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Our Team

Stephen Kozakewich

Operations Manager

I started working with Jody in 2013. Much like everyone at Quicksilver, I pride myself on my quality of work. While I continue to learn on the job, bringing 15 year of experience allows me to confidently tackle any project. We have so many great co-workers, contractors and repeat clients that it is easy to feel at home here with Quicksilver Mechanical.


Tess Brown

Office Manager

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Lisa Rose

Product Manager

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Jody Alberts

Owner Operator

I have owned and operated Quicksilver Mechanical since 2005. I am proud that we have grown into a full service Plumbing, Gas-fitter and HVAC company that is respected for our professionalism, customer service, quality of work and competitive pricing.

Our staff are ready, willing and able to tackle your project!

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